Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Mc Donald´s Food Healthy or Unhealthy?

Nowadays it is often thought that Mc Donald´s food is extremely unhealthy and in extreme cases eating this type of food regularly can even cause death. But is it really true?

Mc Donald´s corporation, fed up with this stereotype, have dedicated quite a lot of time and invested money in trying to explain to their customers and let them know what they are actually eating. One of their latest creations has been introduced on the webpage of the chain. You can find out in an interactive way where all the ingredients used in their hamburgers come from, such as lettuce which is provided by one of the top companies in the area of ready-to-serve fresh lettuce, “Florette”.

On the other hand people can believe it or not and can argue that it is just another new marketing strategy. Therefore people who don´t believe or who just want to know more about it have the opportunity to have a guided tour through the facilities in which everything is prepared.
This is quite pioneering in the fast food world and might cause a positive reaction in our society.

By: Mikel Barrientos

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