Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Strange laws around the world (USA)

North Dakota: It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.
-         Hey!
-         Pardon?
-         You can’t be like that! If not the police is going to...
-         The police?
-         Yes, the police.
-         What is my problem with the police.
-         You are not from here so I’ll explain it to you.
-         I’m from...
-         That doesn’t matter. You were lieing down...
-         Yes...
-         And you were asleep...
-         And the problem is...?
-         You were wearing your shoes! You can’t fell asleep with your shoes on!

  • Nevada: It is illegal to drive a camel in the highway.
-    Hi!
-    Hi, how are you?
-    Fine... But I had some problems with the police recently.
-    What? Why?
-    You remember the film we were doing?
-    Yes...
-    You remember the camel part? Where the protagonist needed to drive the camel by Nevada’s highway.
-    Yes...
-    In Nevada it is illegal to drive a camel in the highway...
-    Why?

  • California: No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour.
-         Look!
-         What?
-         A car without a driver...
-         It Is true.
-         We need to stop it?
-         No.
(five minutes later)
-    More or less how fast is it going?
-    65 miles per hour.
-    We need to stop it!
-    Why?
-    In California vehicles without a driver may not exceed 60 miles per hour.

  • Ohio: It is illegal to get a fish drunk.
-What happened last week? Why were you so upset? At the party you seemed really happy?
-Well... I had some problems with the police...
-Yep... You remember the party? Well, it seems that someone gave Jimmy a little bit of vodka...
-Oh! So your fish was drunk... That sounds weird...
-I know...
-So... Why have you had troubles...
-Well here it  is illegal to get a fish drunk...

  • Minessota: A person may not cross state lines with a duck on his head. People can’t enter Wisconsin with a chicken in their head.  

Latest news: Someone got arrested by the police because he had done something... really illegal. He tried to enter Minessota from North Dakota... with a duck... on his head. He was trying to cross the States with the duck until it fell in Lakeville, so he took a chicken and put it on his head... and tried to cross to Wisconsin with it. The police has took him to the police station because of the two crimes he had commited.

By: Sofía.

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